Community Spirit

Helping front-line workers in the fight against covid-19

As Wirral’s only working Distillery, and in response to considerable demand from the general public and NHS front line services, we decided in March 2020 to assist with the ongoing shortage of hand sanitiser.

We are in this together

We began converting some our stocks of alcohol (ethanol), normally used to make gin, into producing Community Spirit Liquid Hand Sanitiser.

Manufactured to the World Health Organisation’s proven formula, our sanitiser is a high-strength 80% alcohol-based sanitiser that is laboratory tested to the BS EN 1500:2013 standard.

This means it is suitable for use in the medical and healthcare settings we support as well as for personal use. Lower strength products, including gels, are less effective.

With your support, we set aside a portion of the proceeds from online sales of our hand sanitiser to fund the production of sanitiser which we donated to those most in need: the frontline heroes in the NHS and care homes as well as the elderly and vulnerable.

Our communal effort reflects our shared community spirit.

Community Spirit

Hand Sanitiser

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Press Enquiries

We were taken by surprise at the response to our work, and the coverage we received from regional and national media. We only ever intended to do our bit to help during the pandemic. We're incredibly grateful to everyone who has shared our story and to all the customers who have supported our efforts.

Read our official Press Release or contact us on 01244 966 100 or by emailing